Miss Cleo's {field} trip
"Oh hi, you must be new here?" Miss Cleo has been progressing really well at The Farmstead's Academy for Livestock Guardians. {which doesn't really exist} Yesterday Cleo took a field trip to the, uh, field to meet the pigs (not to sure about them yet) and sheep in the flesh.
How did she do? Perfect! Couldn't be more happy with her calm and appropriate demeanor towards everyone. I'm just tickled pink.
Although, I'm more proud of Turkish, who took a mini hiatus from being in the field to bond with and babysit Cleo...it was like he had never left! He moved slowly through the animals and they weren't even the slightest bit spooky.
Ahhhh...it's so nice when everything goes the way it's supposed to.
We didn't push, no reason to force a good thing to go bad, so when we went in to milk Daphne (who we call NaNa Goat 99% of the time because that's exactly what she sounds like) the dogs came in to hang out with her. Poor Miss Cleo was pooped from such a big day <3