Our brand new logo!
We are so excited to share our brand new logo with you! I would love to take credit for the design of it but that's not the case...you see, I tried, I really did. But I just couldn't do it. Every draft I came up with we hated. It wasn't right, it didn't embody who we are and the farm we are creating.
And so I went to my go to place for solutions...Etsy! K.peloquindesign. Kevin Peloquin is a graphic designer in Boston, Massachusetts. You can visit his etsy shop by clicking here >>
Not only is Kevin extremely talented, as far as I'm concerned he's the most patient man I've ever met. Let me first say, we are not the easiest of clients...or let me rephrase, the handsome man is not the easiest of clients. He knows when he likes something and he knows when he doesn't, but giving constructive criticism (at least when it comes to graphic design) is not his strong suit...also, while we're on the subject I had no idea he was so picky! I guess I should consider myself even luckier than I already do that I was able to sucker him in to marrying me :)
And so, e-mail after e-mail Kevin patiently worked to decipher our mumbo jumbo until voila! Our logo was born.
I showed it to Mr. Nick and he immediately said, "I love it." Ironically the only other thing I have ever seen him be so decisive with is Izzy...
So, what do you think? The way Kevin put it, the logo without the animals is a strong logo, and very indicative of our land...but, then it's as if Mrs. Robinson and the chicken wandered onto the page. But they wouldn't be on each side of the logo, perfectly balanced, because they hang out together and so the chicken and the goat are just where they need to be, in the trees.
You might be wondering why Mrs. Robinson? If you have been to our farm, or you read our blog, you probably know by now she is the herd queen. When we have a farm stand it's probably a pretty good chance she'll help me count change :) And of course, the chickens were our gateway animal to a farming lifestyle. As a side note Mr. Nick really likes how the chicken is peering over the edge. I like that Kevin perfectly captured Mrs. Robinson off of just one photo I sent him. And together, we love it!
Thank you Kevin for pouring your heart and soul into our dreams. We are eternally grateful.