Winter Hiking in Washington

Those of you who are from here know, we get a fair amount of rain in the winter. And while it's not a problem, the rain does alter our outdoor activities.

Which is why we were thrilled to discover the Sequalitchew Creek Trail in Dupont, Washington. The trailhead is right behind Dupont City Hall but quickly winds into a very nice forest. The entire trail is graveled, which is nice when you're hiking in the winter. The best part? It shoots you out right into the Puget Sound. Just under 3 miles, this trail is a nice fall back when you're feeling a little housebound but not up for a humongous and muddy hike in the woods.

Bjorn and Toto liked it too, even got a few compliments on the way. One nice woman said they were the prettiest dogs she'd ever seen. I couldn't agree more :)

What about you? Do you have a favorite outdoor winter activity? We'd love to hear about it!