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Piglets, ponies, and poop

When Matthew came inside with an armful of cold piglets I did what any other farmer would do. I got the heating pad out, drank a beer, unthawed some breast milk, and turned my empty beer into a bottle for them…

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All PostsRachael
I regret nothing

We originally bought the bus as a cheese delivery vehicle. In reality, tooling up to Seattle at 5:30 in the morning for a Farmer’s Market isn’t really that fun in a vehicle that maxes out at 60 mph, has no heat or air conditioning, and has no radio…

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All PostsRachael
Herd Queen

Known as the herd queen, she is responsible for making sure the herd is safe, watered, and fed. She is the first to signal they should move to new pasture, the first to try new forage to ensure it’s safety, the one who determines where they sleep for the night, and, she is also the final word in keeping the peace…

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All PostsRachael
To live on the moon.

Maybe it's because we were still in the honeymoon phase of our relationship or maybe it's because we really are perfect for each other, but truly, the only thing that got me through last year was the sense of humor that Matthew and I shared on, well, everything…

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All PostsRachael
Notes on January...

As the sun sets on January (seriously, a whole month out of this year is gone already?!) we find ourselves dusting off the sleepy chill of winter and looking towards Spring…

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All PostsRachael
Ride the Unicorn

We laughed, we cried, we sweat, we cried some more, we bled, we cried even more, and, at the end of the day, we held our family close. Because our family always has been, and always will be, the main reason we have chosen to try and eek out a living through the tortuous means of dairy…

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All PostsRachael